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热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 07:39

他送给我们每人一个礼物,他真是慷慨。 1.He is so generous that he sent each of us a gift.
对我们学生来说,学习一门外语是有必要的。2.It is necessary for the students to learn a foreign language.
我发现穿红衣服使我们更易于采取行动。3. I find that it is convinient for us to take measures by dressing in red.
每天花费你多少时间阅读英语来改善它?4. How long do it take you to read english to improve it every day?
这双皮鞋花费了她200元。5. This pair of shoes coat her 200 yuan.
他付了50元买字典。6.It cost him 50 yuan to buy the dictionary.
大多数的青少年只能花很少的时间发展爱好。7.Most of the teenagers only spend little time developing hobbies.
车太贵,格林先生买不了。8. The car is so expensive that he can't afford it.
那个男孩年纪这么小,搬动不了这个重的箱子。9. The boy is too young to carry the heavy box.
10.这是这么有趣的故事,以致我们每个人都笑了。10. The story was so interesting that each of us laughed.
11.这个会议是这么重要,他们每个人必须参加。11. The meeting is so important that each of us must attend.
12.我毛衣的颜色不同于她的毛衣的颜色。12. The color of my sweat is different from hers.
14.北方的气候不同于南方的气候。14. The climate of the north is different from that of the south.
15.我们中很少有人去过国外,是吗?15. Few of us have gone abroad, have we?
16.几乎没有剩下的时间了,对吗?16. There is hardly time left, is it?
17.咱们一起去操场上散步吧,好吗?17. let's go to the playground together, shall we?
18.课堂上不要互相聊天,好吗?18. Don't chat with each other, will you?
19.你的堂妹不得不代替你打扫房屋,是吗?19. Your cousin sister had to clean the house instead of you , didn't her?
20.就是他帮助我们解决了这个严重的问题。20. It is he who/that helped us solve the serious problem.
21.就是在博物馆里我们了解了计算机的历史。21. It is in the meseum that we learned about the history of the computer.
22.记录片就是一种我们可以从中了解自然、历史和真实生活事件的电影。22. The documetary is a kind of the film where we can learn about the nature ,history and real life events.
23.他是每天第一个到达学校的人。23. He is the person who ges to school first every day.
25.居住在寒冷气候下的人宁愿在他们家里使用温暖的颜色来营造一种温暖舒适的感觉。25. The people who live in cold climate would rather create a warm and comfortable feeling by using the warm colors at home .
26.我们居住在一个充满色彩的世界里。26. We live in a world which is full of colors.
27.我们的艺术老师是一个有创造力的人。27. Our art teacher is a creative person.
28.多可惜啊!我们错过了观看篮球赛。28. what a pity! We missed watching basket march.
29.直到做完了这些习题,你才可以玩电脑游戏。29. You can't play computer games until you finish these pratice exerise.
30.这个学期你们在学习英语方面有乐趣。30. You were interested in learning english this term.
31.我的同桌在做决定时总是犹豫不决。31. My deskmate always hesitate to make a decision .
32.我认为鲁迅写的小说值得一读。I32. I think the novels written by LuXun is worth reading.
33.---你介意我在这儿抽烟吗? ---你最好不要。33. Would you mind my smoking here? you'd better not.
34.当老师走进教室,学生们停止谈话。34. The students stoped talking when the teacher came in the classroom.
35.当他气喘吁吁地到达时,表演已开始半个小时了。35. The performance has been on for half an hour before he arrived there out of breath.
36.当我们到达火车站时,火车已经离开(十分钟)了。36. The train has been away for half ten minutes before we arrived the train station.
37.在他去纽约之前,他已自学了三年英语。37. He has studied english for three years by himself before he went to New Yourk.
38.她成为一个志愿者护士之前是一名工程师。38. She was an engineer before becoming a volunteer nurse.
39.我的表哥已参军两个月了。39. My cousin elder brother has already been a soldier for two years.
40.自从他来到中国,他已结交了很多朋友。40. He has already made many friends since he came to China.
41.自从我们上次在街上见面以来已经五年了。41. It is already five years since we met in the street last time.
42. 我期待着尽快收到你的来信。42. I am looking forward to hear from you soon.
43.她女儿每天练习弹钢琴两个小时。43. Her daughter spends two hours playing the piano every day.
44.你舅舅喜欢在沈阳工作吗?(enjoy)44. Your uncle enjoy working in Shenyang?
45.我们将奉献我们的寒假去做一些义工。45. We will spend our winter holiday doing some volunteer jobs.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 07:40


热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 07:44


热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 07:45

“房奴”的正确英文表达,我还真是煞费苦心,研究了好一段时间,比如通过反复看热播剧《蜗居》,反复体会里面所表达的深层意义,体会房奴的辛苦。《蜗居》真实地展现了“房奴”的艰辛生活,让每个有着痛苦买房经历的人都有强烈的认同感。对于“房奴”的英语翻译,有mortgage slave 和 house slave 两种,哪种更地道呢,咱们一起来看一下吧。如今,“房奴”的翻译也成了热点问题。新出版的两部汉英字典都在做产品宣传时着重介绍了这个词的翻译。《汉英大辞典》的翻译简单些,只有对应词 mortgage slave,《汉英词典》则复杂些——mortgage slave; house slave (someone under the pressure of paying back housing mortgage loan)。这两个译法孰好孰坏?在我看来,单用mortgage slave足以。若用house slave可能会适得其反。为什么这么说呢?因为一看到house slave一词,英美人士可能马上会想到奴隶制废除前在家中充当佣人的奴隶。根据《牛津英语词典》的信息,house slave一词早在1738年就有(Some people have a good many House-Slaves...and they live so well and easy, that it is sometimes a very hard matter to know the Slaves from their masters。)。当时的slave通常可分为两类:一类是house slave(若译作“家奴”[现汉大:私家的奴仆]可能也会起误导作用);另一类则是field slave(田奴或庄园奴隶)。美利坚的开国元勋华盛顿就是出身于种植园主家庭,家中应该有不少奴隶。据说,他也包过“二奶”——一个年仅15岁的穆拉托人(mulatto,即黑白混血儿),名叫Venus,还是他家的house slave。不过,也有媒体曾用过house slave一词。例如, 1月20日的CNN上就有题为“Chinese 'house slaves' grow in booming economy”(中国经济蓬勃发展,房奴数量大增)的报道。既然house slave是放在引号中的,所以就不是表示这层意思的地道英语。
那mortgage slave地道吗?答案是肯定的。英国的多家报纸都曾用到过这个词。例如,《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph)在2008年4月16日就刊登了一篇题为“Is Britain a nation of mortgage slaves?”(英国沦落为房奴的国度了吗?)的文章。
如今,奴字漫天飞,像“卡奴”、“婚奴”、“车奴”、“孩奴”、“白奴”、“租奴”、“垄奴”等时髦词日渐充斥着报端。在翻译这类词时,若将slave当作,那是万万不可以的,否则会闹大笑话的。——Are you a child slave?你是孩奴吗?(或:你是童奴吗?)

热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 07:46
