ax planning involv
es conceiving of and impl
ementing various strategie
s in order to minimize
the amount of taxes paid f
or a given period. For a s
mall business, minimizing
the tax liability can
provide more money for e
xpenses, investment, or gr
owth. In this way, tax pla
nning can be a source
of working capital. Accor
ding to The Entrepr
eneur Magazine Small Bu
siness Advisor,
two basic rules apply t
o tax planning. First, a sm
all business should never
incur additional expense
s only to gain a
tax deduction
. While purchasing neces
sary equipment prior to t
he end of the tax ye
ar can be a
valuable tax
planning strategy,
making unnecessary
purchases is not
Second, a small
business should
to defer
when possible.
Deferring taxes
enables the
business to use that mone
y interest-free, and someti
mes even earn interest on
it, until the next time
taxes are due.
Experts recommend
that entrepreneurs and
small business
owners conduct
formal tax
planning sessions in t
he middle of each tax year.
This approach will give th
em time to apply the
ir strategies to the curren
t year as well as allow the
m to get a jump on the fo
llowing year. It is import
ant for
business owners
to maintain a
personal awareness
of tax planning
issues in order to
save money. Even
if they employ
a professional
bookkeeper or
accountant, small
business owners
should keep
careful tabs on
their own tax
preparation in order
to take advantage
of all possible
opportunities for
deductions and tax savi
ngs. \"Whether or not you
enlist the aid of an o
utsider, you should under
stand the basic provisions o
f the tax code,\" Albert B.
Ellentuck wrote in the
Laventhol and
Horwath Small
Business Tax
Planning Guide.
\"Just as you would
not turn over th